Changes in Manuscript Submission

As of 2nd December 2022, Prosperitas is introducing a handful of changes that are envisaged to contribute to increased quality and better user experience for our readers, authors and reviewers. On the one hand, Clarivate® ScholarOne™ Manuscript Support (ManuscriptCentral) has been introduced to manage submissions in a more professional way. 

In addition, and also due to the specificities of the manuscript management system, Prosperitas’ former practice of applying a single blind review process will be replaced by a double blind review process. 

At the same time, the instructions for authors have also been modified thereby helping our contributors in submitting their manuscripts. You will find more information about this in the section ‘For Authors’ below.

Should you have any questions or should you experience any difficulty concerning manuscript submission through our Clarivate® ScholarOne™ Manuscript Support system, feel free to contact our Editorial Office at krajcsak.zoltan@uni-bge.hu.

Special Issue Call – 2022: Call for papers for Prosperitas’ Special Issue entitled “Global and Local Perspectives of Entrepreneur Research”

Budapest Business School University of Applied Sciences’ journal Prosperitas is inviting papers for its special issue entitled “Global and Local Perspectives of Entrepreneur Research” to be published foreseeably in 2022.

Entrepreneurship is a fundamental factor in economic development and is instrumental in understanding the ways entrepreneurs contribute to the creation of employment and the development and implementation of innovative technologies (Ferreira et al., 2017).

The academic field of entrepreneurship is relatively young, and yet its importance has been growing at an incredible rate in recent decades. This fast-paced development resulted in a complex and heterogeneous research area with its unique approaches and methodologies, which extend even to the understanding of what exactly constitutes entrepreneurship (Short et al., 2009).

Carlsson et al. (2013:914) defines the domain of entrepreneurship research as follows: “Entrepreneurship refers primarily to an economic function that is carried out by individuals, entrepreneurs, acting independently or within organizations, to perceive and create new opportunities and to introduce their ideas into the market, under uncertainty, by making decisions about location, product design, resource use, institutions, and reward systems. The entrepreneurial activity and the entrepreneurial ventures are influenced by the socioeconomic environment and result ultimately in economic growth and human welfare. The domain of entrepreneurship research embraces numerous dimensions, and the analysis can be carried out at various levels (individual or team level, venture and firm level, and macroeconomic level). The socioeconomic environment, consisting of institutions, norms, and culture as well as availability of finance, knowledge creation in the surrounding society, economic and social policies, the presence of industry clusters, and geographic parameters, may influence entrepreneurial activities at all levels.”

Due to this comprehensive approach, entrepreneurship research covers a wide range of topics. Lu et al. (2020) reviewed entrepreneurship studies and identified the following key topics in entrepreneurship research: (1) entrepreneurial orientation, (2) entrepreneurial opportunities, (3) entrepreneurship processes, (4) characteristics and personality of entrepreneurs, (5) international entrepreneurship, (6) institutional entrepreneurship, (7) conducting entrepreneurship, (8) performance of entrepreneurship, (9) results of entrepreneurship, (10) entrepreneurial failure, (11) education and entrepreneurship, (12) geography. In their study, Lu et al. advocate more extensive cross-discipline research and comparative international research.

Prosperitas’ special issue entitled “Global and Local Perspectives of Entrepreneur Research” is keen to present young and well-established researchers’ studies about enterprises in Hungary and globally, thus enhancing publication activity connected to entrepreneurship. The special issue specifically welcomes contributions that discuss comparisons extending to several countries and address any of the following topics:

  • Entrepreneurial intention in international contexts
  • Entrepreneurship demography in international contexts
  • Intrapreneurship
  • Sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship development
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Family businesses
  • Startup businesses
  • Student entrepreneurships
  • Motivating young entrepreneurs
  • The role of higher education institutions in the development of entrepreneurship competences
  • Female entrepreneurship

In line with its title, the special issue is planned to offer an internationally contextualised overview of processes and phenomena currently impacting the operation of enterprises, thereby facilitating international academic discourse and policy decision-support.

To the special issue, research papers, conceptual papers and viewpoints are invited. Please, visit Prosperitas’ website for further information about manuscript submission: https://uni-bge.hu/en/prosperitas

Deadline: you are kindly requested to submit your article via e-mail to krajcsak.zoltan@uni-bge.hu by 31st March 2022 the latest.

Guest Editor: Dr. Judit Csákné Filep, Budapest Business School, Hungary.



Audretsch, D. (2012). Entrepreneurship research. Management Decision, 50(5), 755–764. doi:10.1108/00251741211227384

Carlsson, B., Braunerhjelm, P., McKelvey, M., Olofsson, C., Persson, L., & Ylinenpää, H. (2013). The evolving domain of entrepreneurship research. Small Business Economics, 41(4), 913–930. doi:10.1007/s11187-013-9503-y

Ferreira, J. J. M., Fernandes, C. I., & Kraus, S. (2017). Entrepreneurship research: mapping intellectual structures and research trends. Review of Managerial Science, 13(1), 181–205. doi:10.1007/s11846-017-0242-3

Lu, R., Lu, Q., Lv, D., Huang, Y., Li, S., Jian, Z., & Reve, T. (2020). The Evolution Process of Entrepreneurship Studies in the 21st Century: Research Insights from Top Business and Economics Journals. Journal of Economic Surveys, 34(4), 922–951. doi:10.1111/joes.12365

Rogoff, E. (2012). Entrepreneurship Databases: Illuminating Processes, Describing Phenomena and Steering Research. Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 2(4). doi:10.1515/2157-5665.1086 Short, J. C., Ketchen, D. J., Combs, J. G., & Ireland, R. D. (2009). Research Methods in Entrepreneurship. Organizational Research Methods, 13(1), 6–15. doi:10.1177/1094428109342448

Special Issue Call – 2023: Call for papers for Prosperitas’ Special Issue entitled “Economic, Diplomatic and Cultural Challenges”

Budapest Business University’s journal Prosperitas is inviting papers for its special issue entitled “Economic, diplomatic and cultural challenges” to be published foreseeably in 2023.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine have posed serious economic challenges for the European and global economy. While economic crises are not new to researchers, the emergence and impact of the Covid19 crisis was a new event in economic history. In Europe, many countries are currently struggling with the energy crisis caused by the Ukraine war and a high inflationary environment. In addition, people are also facing the long-standing challenges of climate change and migration crisis. All these factors affect our lives. It is fair to say that global or regional organisations have not been able to deliver tangible results in the fight against global risk factors. It is therefore important to learn about good practices that different countries have adopted to tackle the Covid-19 epidemic and other global risks, and to learn about their experiences related to sustainable development.

The World Bank has carried out a number of studies on economic, diplomatic and cultural challenges that have a significant impact on both developing and developed countries. The key economic challenge is constant change in the current global economic system, which is often unpredictable and unstable. Among diplomatic challenges, the biggest is the management and resolution of international conflicts. Conflicts have a negative impact on economy and development (World Bank, 2023). 

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report, the biggest economic challenges facing the world are a debt crisis, a weakening economic environment and the limits to globalization (WEF, 2023).

The current situation in the world has shown that the coronavirus and its global spread are already causing a widespread economic crisis (Papava & Charaia, 2020). 

The COVID-19 crisis and the conflict situation between Russia and Ukraine are seriously affecting world economy. Emerging economies and developing countries in Europe are affected by the crisis, with inflation rates reaching 27 percent and economic growth in the region registering negative 2.9 percent. Short-term risks to economies include rising interest rates, exchange rate volatility, the risk of stagflation and rising energy prices, the issue of sustainable development goals and green considerations, the risk of hyperinflation, and long-term strategic challenges for economies (Desalegn et al., 2022).

Globalisation and countries’ economic performance in international relations are leading to the emergence of different models of diplomacy in an attempt to respond appropriately to challenges and threats (Bokhan & Zalizniuk, 2022). As a result of globalisation, international economy has become a scene of direct and indirect conflicts of interest between different actors. In addition, international economy has provided states with a new tool for their foreign policy and economic diplomacy (Safronova, 2021).

Prosperitas’ special issue entitled “Economic, diplomatic and cultural challenges” is keen to present young and well-established researchers’ studies from all over the world – and including the Visegrad Group countries – about on current developments and challenges in diverse fields of multi- and interdisciplinary science, as well as in diplomatic and business practice.

In line with its title, the special issue is intended to provide an internationally contextualised overview of the processes and phenomena currently affecting countries, facilitating international scientific discourse and supporting policy decisions.

The special issue will publish research papers, conceptual papers and viewpoints. Please, visit Prosperitas’ website for further information about manuscript submission: https://uni-bge.hu/en/prosperitas

Deadline: submit your article at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/prosperitas by 15th September 2023 the latest. When submitting your contribution, in Step 1 of the uploading process, from the drop-down menu please choose the following type of manuscript: Original Article for Special Issue 2023. 

Guest Editor: Dr. Petronella Molnár, Budapest Business University, Hungary



Bokhan, A. & Zalizniuk V. (2022): Economic Diplomacy in New Projections of Activation, Baltic Journal of Economic Studies 8(4):19-25.

Desalegn, G., Tangl, A., Fekete-Farkas, M. (2022). From Short-Term Risk to Long-Term Strategic Challenges: Reviewing the Consequences of Geopolitics and COVID-19 on Economic Performance, SUSTAINABILITY 14: 21 Paper: 14455.

Papava, V. & Charaia, V. (2020). The Coronomic Crisis and Some Challenges for the Georgian Economy, GFSIS, Expert Opinion, No. 136.

Safronova E.I. (2021). Chinese Economic Diplomacy before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Moscow University Bulletin of World Politics. 13(3):151-189. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.48015/2076-7404-2021-13-3-151-189

World Economic Forum (2023). The Global Risks Report 2023, https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Global_Risks_Report_2023.pdf (downloaded 24 03 2023)

World Bank (2023). Global Economic Prospects, https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/server/api/core/bitstreams/254aba87-dfeb-5b5c-b00a-727d04ade275/content (downloaded 24 03 2023)