The journal Prosperitas was founded by Budapest Business School (former name of Budapest University of Business and Economics) in 2014. Initially the Journal published studies in a printed form in English, Spanish and Hungarian in the fields of business and economics as well as in social sciences.

With the appointment of Prosperitas’ new Editor-in-Chief as well as Senior Associate Editor and Manuscript Editor in June 2021, the Journal has been renewed as far as its look, content and management are concerned with a view to being able to serve, more professionally and at a higher quality, international authors and readers interested in business, economics, finance, management and entrepreneurship. In line of this, as of Issue 2021/2, studies are published exclusively in English. At the same time, Prosperitas is delighted to see that its Editorial Advisory Board is composed not only of Hungarian researchers but also of Central and Eastern European leading editors and scholars as well as of numerous other researchers of diverse fields of business coming from countries located outside Europe.

At present, Prosperitas is aspiring to obtain its assessment and ranking by leading international journal ranking systems. This also necessitated the development and introduction of a more professional design and layout with regards to both the Journal webpage and the studies published. Currently Prosperitas is engaged in brand building.

Fulfilling its mission, the Journal is committed to continuing to publish scientific content that greatly contributes to the development of entrepreneurship and business studies in the Central and Eastern European region and is dedicated to publishing such thematic to the satisfaction of its growing international audience.