Prosperitas hereby expresses its gratitude to Reviewers assisting the Journal in the first half of 2024:
Audrin, Bertrand Aytekin, Ahmet Berniak-Woźny, Justyna Calof, Jonathan Câmpian, Veronica Carvalho Garcia, Clarice Chulok, Alexander A. Dabija, Dan-Cristian Gajić, Tamara Gáspár, Judit Giuliani, Marco Gourdel, Régis Hodine Hernadi, Bettina Isinkaralar, Oznur…
Prosperitas hereby expresses its gratitude to Reviewers assisting the Journal in 2023:
Ábel, István Adwan, Ehab Ashurov, Sharofiddin Baker Cervantes, Aaron Stewart Bareith, Tibor Beck, Donizete Bharti, Nalin Buchelt, Beata Câmpian, Veronica Chen, Xiaoxia Cieslik, Andrzej Cox, Victoria Csonka, László Das, Bipul Kumar Do Vale, Guillaume Duh, Mojca…